The ICAO Implementation Seminar in Aeronautical Information Services and Aeronautical Charts for the States of the East part of ICAO EUR Region, including Middle Asia, was organized and conducted in Kiev (Ukraine) in period from May 27 till May 29, 2003 in accordance with ICAO Letter ¹ T 2/6.3-L03-0251. MET concerning realization of a seminar.
46 delegates representing air administrations, AIS and air organizations from 18-th States took part in the work of a seminar.
A seminar membership:
Azerbaijan Jaroslav Smyslov AIS Senior Navigator;
Armenia Simon Asatryan Head of AIS;
Armenia Norayr Safaryan Head of Publication Department of AIS;
Belarus Albert Bogdanov Head of AIS;
Belarus Vladimir Kolomenskiy Head of AMS Department;
Belgium Paul Bosman Eurocontrol AIS Expert;
Belgium Alexander Petrovsky Eurocontrol AIS Assistent;
Czech Republic David Tomajer Marketing Officer of ANS CR Training Centre.
Georgia Elena Tavadze Head of NOTAM Department of AIS;
France Bjorn Hellroth ICAO Regional Officer Meteorology/Aeronautical Information Service;
Kazakhstan Vassiliy Grin Head of AIS;
Kazakhstan Kozy Abdildin ATM Department Leading Engineer;
Êyrgyzstan Vladimir Kopach Head of Aeronautical Information Centre;
Êyrgyzstan Georgiy Sytnikov Head of Air Navigation Division;
Êyrgyzstan Ìelis Egemberdiev Chief Navigator;
Lithuania Piotras Orlovas Head of Aerodrome and Air Traffic Division;
Lithuania Irina Chitro AIS Officer;
Ìoldova Miroslav Lefter Head of AIS;
Russia Elena Stepanova Director of the Centre of Aeronautical Information of Civil Aviation;
Russia Alehander Larin Deputy Director of the Centre of Aeronautical Information of Civil Aviation;
Russia Sergey Maslov Head of Automated Systems Department of the Centre of Aeronautical Information of Civil Aviation;
Russia Àndrey Nazarov Chief System Programmer of the Centre of Aeronautical Information of Civil Aviation;
Russia Igor Bogachov Deputy Head of State ATM Regulation Department;
Russia Àlehander Strikalenko Air Navigation Division Leading Specialist of Flight Standard Department;
Slovakia Àugustin Lamprecht Head of AIS;
Slovakia Êatarina Neuschlova Head of Publication Department of AIS;
Turkey Àzim Bul AIS Manager;
Turkey Halil Ibrahim Moral AIS Officer;
Uzbekistan Gennadiy Logutov Head of AIS;
Uzbekistan Vitaliy Kim Deputy Head of AIS;
Uzbekistan Ìurat Inogamov Leading inspector - navigator;
Ukraine Juriy Cherednichenko UkSATSE Director General;
Ukraine Dmitriy Babeychuk Deputy Director General;
Ukraine Sergey Perevezentsev Head of AIS;
Ukraine Alexander Pechenjuk Deputy Head of Airspace Management and Control Centre;
Ukraine Alexander Golovko Deputy Head of AIS;
Ukraine Sergey Tkach Head of Cartography Department of AIS;
Ukraine Pavel Kud Leading Engineer of Automation Department of AIS;
Ukraine Sergey Vlasov Engineer of Information Department of AIS;
Ukraine Irina Papeta (a seminar secretary) Engineer of Information Department of AIS;
Ukraine Ludmila Kurachenko (a seminar interpreter) AIS Interpreter;
Ukraine Valentin Stroganov Chief Specialist of Aeronautical Service Division;
Ukraine Vitaliy Bezmal Head of Aeronautical Service Division;
Ukraine Valeriy Diachenko Deputy Head of the Centre of Aeronautical Service of Aviation;
Ukraine Vitaliy Belenkov Head of department of the Centre of Aeronautical Service of Aviation.
As the observers the AIS Specialists from ASA Sri Company (Italy) Roberto Giacopello and Angela Voznyuk have taken part in the work of a seminar.

The seminar working program stipulated consideration both realization of the following questions and actions:
1-st day Tuesday, 27 May 2003

Update on AIS developments:
- ICAO Global Aspects (ICAO RO)
- Development of ICAO SARPs (ICAO RO)
- Regional Aspects in the East European Region, Including Middle Asia (ICAO RO)
Round table: Introduction.
- Who are you ?
- What are your biggest achievements in last year ?
- What are your biggest plans for next year ?
- What are your concerns for achieving these plans ?
- What are your expectations of the AIS/MAP Seminar ?
Regional Co-operation Experience Amongst Aeronautical Information Services Providers:
- Regional Air Navigation Services Development Association (RADA) (UkSATSE, Ukraine)
- Regional AIS Co-operation of States of the Region (the Rapporteur of ICAO Project Team on AIS/MAP)
- Presentations about national AIS (speakers from the Member-States)

2-nd day Wednesday, 28 May 2003

Eurocontrol activities in AIS (Overview). One AIM for Europe. (Eurocontrol)
WGS-84 Implementation: ICAO requirements and status of implementation (ICAO RO)
Selection and Training of AIS staff:
- ANS Training Centre of Czech Republic, Prague
Quality Assurance System in AIS:
- Overall aspects of introduction of Quality Assurance System in AIS (ICAO RO)
- Quality Requirements (Eurocontrol)
- Round table: ISO 9000/9002 in AIS: lessons learned (Panel discussion)
- Experience of Implementation of Quality System in national AIS (AIS of Slovak Republic)
- "Voicing problems-sharing solutions". AIS AGORA Aeronautical Information Forum (Eurocontrol)
Visit to AIS and the Air Traffic Control Centre "Strela-Alenia".

3-rd day Thursday, 29 May 2003

AIS Automation:
- Development of Electronic AIP (eAIP) & European Aeronautical Database (EAD). Integrated Briefing (Eurocontrol)
- Electronic Charting (Eurocontrol)
- Use of Internet in AIS activities (Eurocontrol)
- AIS Automation (UkSATSE, Ukraine)
- Aeronautical Information Quality Control Using the Intranet Technologies (UkSATSE, Ukraine)
Round table: Regional Co-operation Exercise (for elaboration of co-ordination mechanisms between States) (Panel discussion)
Closing Session:
- Summary (Moderator)
- Plans for future work and co-operation (Moderator, representatives from States)

Bjorn Hellroth from ICAO Regional Office addressed a seminar with opening address.
He informed that the first AIS/MAP Seminar was conducted in a 1998 in St.-Petersburg, Russia. By results of its work the conclusion was made, that the realization of such seminars is necessary and hereinafter for improving the AIS work.
The objectives of given ICAO AIS/MAP Seminar is to:
- increase the level of awareness by aeronautical information providers at both of management and technical levels regarding the need for, and application of standardised procedures and practices as a means to improve the implementation of the ICAO SARPs and to increase the level of aeronavigation safety and efficiency;
- initiate the implementation of Quality Assurance Systems supporting AIS/MAP;
- provide briefings relating to international directions of activity and advances being made in the field of AIS/MAP; and
- provide a forum for open discussion relating to AIS/MAP matters of mutual interest between providers and users of aeronautical information.

Bjorn Hellroth also thanked UkSATSE and personally its General Director Juriy Cherednichenko for the consent to organize and conduct a today's seminar in Kiev.

Juriy Cherednichenko congratulated on the starting of work of an international ICAO seminar on AIS/MAP activity, by underlining the AIS important role as a component of safety, regular and efficiency of international air navigation. "The Importance of the given seminar is confirmed by the participants, presented here".
Mr. Cherednichenko also invited all partisipants to visit the AIS office and ATC Center "Strela-Alenia" at Borispol airport and wished successes and fruitful work to all participants of a seminar.

To preside over a seminar it was offered to Sergey Tkach, a Head of Cartography Department of AIS of Ukraine, the Rapporteur of ICAO Project Team on AIS/MAP, who was the author of idea of organization of a seminar and its main coordinator.

Mr. Tkach also welcomed with the beginning of a seminar, by underlining its special urgency and expediency in the light of the measures which are carried out by ICAO for facilitation of the level of implementation of ICAO Standards and Recommended Practice for States of the Eastern part of ICAO EUR Region, including Middle Asia. He informed that 45 delegates from 16-th States participating in work of a seminar represent CAA, AIS, training centers, aviation organizations.
The seminar agenda, working arrangements and main actions during a seminar were also proposed by seminar Chairman.

Dmitriy Babeychuk from Ukraine produced presentation about UkSATSE, where he told about UkSATSE place in state regulation system of Ukraine, main purposes and problems of UkSATSE activity, civil-military coordination, UkSATSE structure, international cooperation and partnership, and also in more details about activity of Regional Air Navigation Services Development Association (RADA), directions of its activity, future working groups on directions of activity, in particular, Regional Aeronautical Information Management Working Group (RAIM).

Regarding Update on AIS Developments theme of a seminar the information of Bjorn Hellroth from ICAO was listened to. Mr. Hellroth told about exclusive importance of a actual, reliable and full aeronautical information in a system of international air navigation, informed about the content of last Amendments to ICAO documents concerning AIS activity, namely Amendments 32 and 33 to Annex 15 "Aeronautical Information services", Amendment 53 to ICAO Annex 4 "Aeronautical Charts", and also information concerning 3 manuals developed by ICAO on problems, relative to aeronautical information, namely Doc 8126 - Aeronautical Information Services Manual, Sixth Edition; Doc 7192 - Training Manual), Part Å-3 - Aeronautical Information Services Personnel, Second Edition; and Doc xxxx - Quality Management System Manual for Aeronautical Information and Charts services (AIS/MAP), First Edition.
The publication of the AIS manual in English is also expected in July, 2003. The date of issuing of Russian version is not known yet. Mr. Õåëðîòò called to support activity of ICAO Project Team on AIS/MAP, in particular in the economic plan and stressed necessity of a qualitative selection and training of AIS staff, in particular necessity the English language study, as a basic ICAO working language.

The first round table was organized for a more detail inspection of the seminar participants. It was opened by Paul Bosman, the AIS expert from Eurocontrol. It was offered to all participants to answer the following questions:
1. Who are you?
2. What are your biggest achievements in last year?
3. What are your biggest plans for next year?
4. What are your concerns for achieving these plans?
5. What are your expectations of AIS/MAP Seminar?

For an example he started from himself:
1. Paul Bosman. A post - AIS Expert.
2. Reachings - AIS AGORA creation and organization and conducting of AIS Symposium in Toulouse.
3. Plans - to help all AIS in Europe to raise their level of activities.
4. Problem - lack of time.
5. Expected outcomes - to establish regional co-operation.

During discussions the following answers were obtained:
1. Norayr Safaryan, Head of Publication Department of AIS.
2. Decision about AIP creation.
3. AIP publication.
4. AIS personnel training.
5. To establish the contacts with AIS colleagues from other States for further co-operation.

1. Jaroslav Smyslov, AIS Senior Navigator.
2. Publication of AIP of Azerbaijan.
3. AIS WEB-site creation, placing of AIP in Internet.
4. Training of AIS personnel.
5. Mutual co-operation.

1. Elena Tavadze, Head of NOTAM Department of AIS.
2. Publication of AIP, NOTAM.
3. Implementation of an integrated briefing, leaving for a new AIS office.
4. Training of AIS staff, study of the English language.
5. To strike up an acquaintance with the colleagues from other countries with the purpose of further co-operation.

1. Albert Bogdanov, Head of AIS.
2. Implementation of automated NOTAM processing. Charge-free obtaining of information inside the country. As now AIP is absent.
3. Transition to the World Geodetic System WGS-84 (contractor - Belaerogeodesia enterprise).
4. The problems with military organs, the absence of exact information from them.
5. To be acquainted with achievements of other states, in particular on problems concerning AIS staff training.

1. Vassiliy Grin, Head of AIS.
2. AIP publication, AIS structure and AIS plan on development was created. The implementation of an automated system of NOTAM distribution was completed. The data base management system was advanced.
3. Revision of automated systems on AIP management.
4. Old thinking, the problem regarding briefing.
5. Personal contacts, as the push to further development.

1. Irina Chitro, AIS Officer.
2. Translation of AIP of Lithuania, transition to electronic AIP version (on ÑD in PDF - format). Development of Visual Flights Manual.
3. Creation of an integrated briefing, connection to European Database. ISO 9000 Implementation.
4. Training of AIS staff for documentation transfer in XML - format.
5. Familiarity for further co-operation.

1. Piotras Orlovas, Head of Aerodrome and Air Traffic Division of CAA.
2. Legalization of use of ICAO documents. AIS Rules approval. Approval of Rules of accordance of meteorological information. Working up of the project of requests to the airports and aeronautical information, as well as the AIS requests.
5. Inspection of that, how the aeronautical service is carried out in the other states of the Region.

1. Alexander Petrovsky, Eurocontrol AIS Assistent.
3. To support the AIS AGORA success.
4. Lack of time.
5. The main purpose, that all participants of a seminar become the AIS AGORA members.

1. Miroslav Lefter, Head of AIS.
2. Practical use of ICAO Doc 8168 (PANS-OPS). In 1999 - creation of AIP of Moldova. Improvement of PIB an NOTAM processing. Starting the works on electronic AIP version.
3. Placing of eAIP on WEB-site in XML-format. Implementation of ISO 9000. Preservation of EAD ?-client status. Introduction of an integrated briefing.
4. Absence of sufficient financing. Problems with aeronautical information documents obtaining from some states. Incompatibility of procedures of dynamic data processing in different countries.
5. Exchange by experience. Discussion of existing problems, in particular the problems of standardization of procedures.

1. Ìelis Egemberdiev, Chief Navigator of Civil Aviation Department.
2. AIS creation. Preparation of AIP. Starting the works on WGS-84 implementation (with the help of Mr. Tumarkin from AIS of Latvia). Russian language has become the state language.
3. Introduction of RVSM. Prolongation the works on WGS-84 implementation. Creation of AIP, NOTAM and Briefing services, preparation of aeronautical charts.
4. AIS staff training. WGS-84 implementation.
5. To obtain the information on problems of AIS staff training, flight procedures design, AIS AGORA, ISO 9000.

1. Gennadiy Logutov, Head of AIS.
2. Publication of national AIS rules.
3. Electronic AIP preparation. Independent publication of NOTAM series "À".
4. AIS staff training
5. To obtain the maximum of necessary information concerning AIS activity.

1. Àzim Bul, AIS Manager.
2. AIP publication in new ICAO format, including electronic AIP version on CD in PDF-format.
3. To receive EAD a-client status. To place all AIP information on WEB-site. The ISO 9000 certification.
4. Certification on ISO 9000. Obtaining the information for publication. Training of AIS staff, in particular relatively to the future cooperation with EAD.
5. To adjust contacts and to exchange by experience.

1. Àugustin Lamprecht, Head of AIS.
2. Implementation of new automated system on NOTAM publication. Certification on ISO 9001. Developing of procedures of aeronautical data transfer to EAD. Implementation of new version of automated system for AIP and Aeronautical Charts preparation.
3. To receive EAD a-client status. To create electronic AIP in a XML-format. To improve AIS WEB-site filling and place all necessary information on it. To develop the strategic plan of AIS development for 10 years (together with ªurocontrol).
4. EAD a-client status receiving and AIS staff training to gain experience for EAD exploitation.
5. Experience exchange.

1. Elena Stepanova, Director of the Centre of Aeronautical Information of Civil Aviation (CAI CA).
2. New AIP format preparation.
3. Introduction of Quality Management System ISO 9000. Formalization of existing technologies and procedures. Electronic support of aeronautical information documents (WEB-site and CD).
4. The training of staff (at the airports, airlines etc.). Exchange of AIP and other information with some States. The absence of experience on ISO 9000 implementation. The problems with the military organs concerning implementation of WGS-84.
5. Exchange by experience and obtaining the useful information. Generation of new ideas. Organization of work under the scheme:
Idea herself > Work above idea > Getting of results > Introduction of idea in practice.

1. Igor Bogachov, Deputy Head of State ATM Regulation Department.
2. Putting into operation of new airways publication including transpolar routes.
3. Transfer(translation) of the list of air lines ÌÂË 1-st êàò. And issue of the new list with allowance for of these modifications.
4. Giving the authorities to CAI CA.
5. Establishing of co-operation.

1. Sergey Perevezentsev, Head of AIS.
2. Introduction of complexes of automation, modernizing of existing automated systems.
3. Preparation and publication of VFR Manual. ISO 9000 implementation.
4. Personnel retraining, increasing of their qualification. Financial support.
5. Exchange by experience on implementation of ISO 9000, WGS-84. Regional co-operation.

1. Valeriy Diachenko, Deputy Head of the Centre of Aeronautical Service of Aviation.
2. Creation of the Centre. Publication of Military AIP.
3. Military AIP converting to ICAO format. AIP translation on the English language. WGS-84 implementation. Preparation of electronic version of the document.
4. Personnel retraining, increasing of their qualification. English language studying.
5. Obtaining of information. Mutual co-operation.

On regional cooperation experience two presentations were heard:
Àugustin Lamprecht - about AIS of Slovakia and Sergey Perevezentsev - about AIS of Ukraine.

Àugustin Lamprecht told about the history of creation of AIS of Slovakia, main working stages of its activity, organizational structure, organization of educational process. He also pointed attention at existence of the main working AIS document - NAISA Working Concept (National AIS Information System Automation). As the main purposes of AIS activity there were selected:
- Creation of automated AIS;
- Creation of national aeronautical database;
- Maintenance of all documents in an electronic format;
- Aeronautical information exchange;
- Creation of integrated AIS (AIS/MET/ARO).

Mr. Lamprecht told about AIS activity within the framework of work executed by Eurocontrol, participation in ISO 9001, EAD, SDP, eAIP Projects. He informed about the plans for the future and named those key factors, due to which, in his opinion, it is possible to reach the excellence of service of aeronautical information users:
- High level of qualification of AIS staff;
- Availability of appropriate operational and financial resources;
- High competence and responsibility of a AIS Head;
- Participation in EATMP realization;
- Possibility to visit other AIS and to communicate with the colleagues.

Sergey Perevezentsev dwelled on a history of creation of AIS of Ukraine, told about national AIP preparation and publication stages (in the English and Russian languages). He also told about the necessity and advantages of automation of AIS activity as a whole, and about AIS of Ukraine automation in particular. Mr. Perevezentsev presented information about development and introduction of AIS WEB-site, including it structure, plans concerning further development and statistics of attendance by the users.

Information by Sergey Tkach, the Rapporteur of ICAO Project Team (PT) on AIS/MAP was presented on the issue about the regional AIS co-operation of States of the Region. Mr. Tkach told about the motives of PT creation, primal problems facing to group, those measures, that were conducted by the experts of States participated the PT work, for solution of the problems. He addressed to the seminar participants to participate in the work of PT, to send the additional experts on it meetings on directions of activity of PT on AIS/MAP.

The seminar second working day started by Eurocontrol information about AIS activity and aeronautical information management. Paul Bosman, AIS Expert presented materials about AIS Symposium in Toulouse (France) on March 25-27, 2002 on the subject of "One AIM for Europe", told about the main projects, which are developed by Eurocontrol concerning AIS (EAD, eAIP, AIS AHEAD, AIM Strategy for 2000 +, AIS AGORA etc.), dwelled on the scheme of passing of aeronautical data from their obtaining in AIS to publication in aeronautical information documents and the means of improving of quality of aeronautical data:
- Technical (AIP in XML-format, Integrated Briefing);
- Administrative (ISO 9000, staff profiling).

Mr. Bosman also informed about new technologies, data formats, software products developed by Eurocontrol and recommended for use by all users irrespective of their regional membership.

Information on World Geodetic System WGS-84 Implementation issue was presented by Bjorn Hellroth. Mr. Hellroth stressed the special significance of a problem WGS-84 Implementation as important component of CNS/ATM Introduction. He also told about main requests of ICAO documents on this problem after realization of AIS/MAP Specialized Meeting in Montreal in 1998. As for WGS-84 implementation status only Ìoldova and Georgia partially have introduced WGS-84. The Quality Management System (QMS) is not introduced yet by anybody in the Region. ICAO developed the special project on WGS-84 Implementation (Special Implementation Project (CIP)), which was realized in seven States of Caucasus and Middle Asia during 2001-2003. As regards the differences between the contents of the national documents of aeronautical information and ICAO Appendix 15 requests to them, only two countries already sent the list of the differences to ICAO.

Not less important is a problem on selection and training of AIS staff as well. It was repeatedly recollected acting during the whole of a seminar. In this direction important role is played by availability of the special educational institutions completed by the qualified teachers, appropriate equipment and necessary training programs according to requests of ICAO documents.
A presentation concerning activity of one of such institutions, namely Prague ATC Training Centre of the Czech Republic was made by David Tomajer, ANS CR Training Centre Marketing Officer. There he told about a history of its creation, organization, management, existing technologies and training programs, and also social and household aspects (residing, accommodation, social maintenance, leisure). Mr. Òomajer dwelled in more details on a structure and contents of training courses for the different categories of AIS specialists, including their initial preparation.

The next working theme of a seminar to consider and discussion was Implementation of Quality Management System (QMS) in AIS.
Bjorn Hellroth from ICAO RO and Paul Bosman from Eurocontrol repeatedly pointed attention on prime necessity of QMS introduction in AIS of CIS countries, on attention that is given by ICAO preparing to publish the special document, namely "Quality Management System Manual for Aeronautical Information and Charts Services (AIS/MAP)".

The experts from Eurocontrol told about the main phases of QMS ISO 9000 implementation and the current situation with QMS implementation in European countries.

During QMS round table discussions it was offered to all seminar participants to answer on the following questions:
1. Have you identified a complete list of authorized originators of AIS information (static and dynamic)? If yes, how are you going to publish it?
2. Have you agreed with the data originators the format of information in which you would prefer to receive the data? (According to ISO 9000 it is necessary to transmit the data in the certain format).
3. Are the data originators aware of the importance of its supplying in accordance with AIRAC procedures? (It is necessary to inform them on it for receiving information in time).
4. Do your data originators attend training courses in the provision of aeronautical information?
5. Do you check information, which is received from the data originators? (according to ISO 9000 it is necessary to check up once again the information, which comes in).
6. Do you host a regular forum to meet with the data originators? (a regular meetings with the data originators are one of ISO 9000 requests).
7. Have you defined a quality management system for producing your AIP?
8. Do you regularly review the entire IAIP document set to ensure that it is consistent and accurate?
9. Do you check the consistency between the same data that occurs in different parts of the AIP?
10. Do you routinely co-ordinate with neighboring States prior to publishing information?
11. Do you routinely co-ordinate with military organizations prior to issuing aeronautical information?
12. Do you proof read or peer review the amended parts of the AIP before publishing them?
13. Do you apply the Eurocontrol Operating Procedures for AIS Dynamic Data (OPADD) for compiling NOTAMs?
14. Do you check that the users of your services to receive AIP amendments in accordance with the AIRAC cycles?
15. Do you have a process for handling user's queries on the AIP?
16. Do you have a regular meetings with your aeronautical information users? (to satisfy the users is the main part of AIS work. This is also a requirement of ISO 9000).

The selective questioning and minor amount of affirmative answers on offered problems have shown, that the majority of participating countries has problems in organization of practical work with the originators and users of aeronautical information, as well as the introduction of aeronautical information quality system during transferring of information from originator to user.

Finally it was decided to repeat similar AIS self assessment questioning during the next AIS forum and to make the comparative analysis of the answers to analyze the dynamics of changes in solution of revealed problems.

During discussions Alexander Petrovsky from Eurocontrol made presentation AIS AGORA Aeronautical Information Forume. He informed about a history of creation of the project, it problems, structure, main tasks (coordination and support of aeronautical information, maintenance of terms of Amendment issue, aeronautical information checking etc.), and also about instructions to use AIS AGORA Web-site.

The second day working program was completed by visiting to AIS Office and ATC Control Center "Strela-Alenia" at Borispol airport.

The third seminar working day was completely devoted to consideration of a problem on AIS automation.

It was started by Paul Bosman presentation about development of electronic AIP (eAIP) and European data base (EAD). Mr. Bosman told about a situation with eAIP introduction in Europe, about the initial approach to create the eAIP as a set of files in PDF-format, informed about the merits (ease to create, fast distribution, relative cheapness, greater recognizing by the users) and demerits (inconvenience to use, necessity of listing with CD, Web-site safety, inconvenience to view whole information on a monitor screen) in work with the electronic versions of the documents. The following stage in eAIP developments can become transition to new technologies and new XML data format. Its advantages are:
- Electronic character of information and, as result, the increase of its using convenience;
- Identical structure (format) of data placed in eAIP;
- Transition to more high qualitative level due to new technologies introduction.
Mr. Bosman also told about the features of preparation of the documents in eAIP, gave an examples of Aeronautical Charts construction to eAIP, including the use of new SVG technology. The military AIP of Germany (Internet address: is a good visual example of use of new technologies and formats of data submission in practical activity of some countries in their efforts to maintain at most fast and qualitative satisfy of needs of the users.

The next point to discuss was a problem of organization and introduction of European aeronautical data base (EAD). The use of common resources (both information, and technological) and common standards will allow the countries - participants of EAD project:
- To save the financial resources;
- To optimize existing human resources, which are used in central and peripheral AIS organizations;
- To increase the costs/qualities ratio concerning preparation of elements of Integrated Package of Aeronautical Information and pre-flight information service;
- To increase a level of service of the customers by improving the data contents and checking of their accuracy, integrity and reliability;
- To improve a technological level of AIS operation control by introduction of new paperless technologies, integrated briefing, introduction of a quality system, staff professionalism and training.

After finishing discussion on Eurocontrol presentations the participants were returned to the question of QMS, namely the experience of QMS Introduction in AIS of Slovakia.
Presentation on this item was made by the quality expert, a Chief of Publication Department of AIS of Slovakia Katarina Neuschlova. She told about a structure of quality control system, organizational measures, which were organized in AIS for it introduction (decision making, choice a model of system to introduce, invitation the expert - adviser from outside, initial analysis of AIS situation, distribution of duties etc.), management of human resources), development of the plan of QMS Introduction etc. The process of introduction of ISO 9000 consisted of the following main stages:
- Drawing up of the project;
- Training of the AIS staff;
- Preparation of the documentation;
- Direct introduction;
- Internal audit;
- Certification.

The introduction costs included external (adviser, training, certification, taxes) and internal (development of manuals and procedures, registration of the forms and registers, internal audit) costs.
In conclusion Mrs. Neuschlova stressed once more the necessity of introduction of QMS in the States of the Region and those advantages, that will be given by it introduction in any AIS from the point of view of increasing the efficiency and safety of international air navigation.

During AIS Automation discussions there were heard a presentations of specialists from AIS of Ukraine Pavel Kud (presentation about an integrated automated system in AIS) and Sergey Vlasov (presentation about quality control of aeronautical information using Intranet technologies). The presentations were devoted to consideration of technical and technological aspects of automation of AIS activity and technical support of aeronautical information quality control procedures on all stages of its passing.

The round table with exercises on regional co-operation was held as the final action of the third seminar working day. All participants were broken on small groups (in one representative from the country). It was offered to each group to prepare in three ideas concerning adjustment of mutual coordination and cooperation between the States by analyzing all information that was obtained during a seminar. By results of analysis the following measures were offered:
- Development of a common unique template of electronic AIP;
- Common use of aeronautical data base resources;
- Preparation of eAIP and Web-site;
- Creation of basic training centre on preparation of AIS specialists and studying of the English language in one of the States of the Region;
- Common development of the training manuals;
- Preparation of the document on QMS Implementation in AIS;
- Exchange by experience on introduction of ISO 9000;
- Further realization of meetings on actual problems of AIS activities (ISO 9000, WGS-84, eAIP, specialized software/system etc.);
- The issue of AIS Bulletin.

The totals of the work of ICAO AIS/MAP Seminar were summed up by Bjorn Hellroth, ICAO Regional Officer on Meteorology/Aeronautical Information Service. Mr. Hellroth sincerely thanked the organizers and seminar chairman for the professionally organized and conducted forum, in which the representatives from 18-th States took part. He also expressed the reliance that each participant of a seminar will successfully introduce the knowledge and information obtained during a seminar, thereby promoting the further AIS development and increase of AIS authority as a main source of aeronautical information.